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In the chapter on the First Step in the White Book, in the last paragraph it says: “A broken and contrite spirit—the spirit of the First Step—is the key that opens the door and sets us free.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Relapse Prevention - Steps & Traditions

I wrote this prayer to help me when I’m working with others; it’s adapted from chapter seven of Alcoholics Anonymous.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Prayers - Relapse Prevention - Steps & Traditions

Today while traveling back to my home, my scheduled flight was delayed and there was a high probability I would miss my connecting flight. As I was checking in, I saw a flight leaving in 20 minutes and wondered if I could run to the gate and see if I could get on this earlier flight going to the same destination. As I checked my luggage in, the agent asked if I had any lithium batteries in my bag. I said, “No,” as I wanted to make it to the service counter to see if I could jump on the earlier flight.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Practical Tools - Relapse Prevention - Web Exclusive

When I was 18, I went on a parachute course with a few friends. I was looking for a new adventure and an experience that I could feel proud about. After one day’s instruction on the theory, we were given the go-ahead to make our jump. We would be using the “static-line” technique for our jump. Here, a cord runs from the parachute to a rail fixed on the inside of the plane. When you jump, the cord pays out, then pulls out your parachute; you don’t have to do anything.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Practical Tools - Relapse Prevention

Recently, I had a spiritual awakening as I watched a well-made movie, based on true events, about a young lawyer who, 15 years after the second World War, decided to pursue the people responsible for Auschwitz. A lot of these people, after the war, had taken all kinds of ordinary jobs: primary school teachers, woodcutters, bakers, businessmen, dentists, etc.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Practical Tools - Relapse Prevention

Temptations most often come to me unannounced. If I am working my program well, I stay away from places and activities that create temptations. Sometimes, the temptations make me feel guilty even when I didn’t seek them out or indulge them. A conversation with my sponsor helps me sort that kind of thing out. In every case though, I have a Higher Power, a 12-Step program in SA, and the benefits of fellowship which remind me to surrender all lust temptations.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Practical Tools - Relapse Prevention - Web Exclusive

This awesome article describes Jenya’s strong daily program routine which keeps her close to God and life. She goes in great detail to tell us about the tools that have been working for her—even after having moved from her country of origin to the other side of the world.
Her recovery program includes daily program calls, calls with her DSR partner, an in-depth feelings diary, taking actions of love, accomplishing tasks, getting up early, structure, connecting with God during the day.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Relapse Prevention

I write with gratitude for SA, the guidance of our Higher Power, and the excellent and dedicated work of the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee worked diligently throughout 2022-23 knowing there would be a high number of Trustees rotating off the Board this past July. Needless to say, replacing needed vacancies was a critical challenge. Since April, five Trustee candidates were approved by the Nominations Committee and passed on to the BOT for consideration. All five candidacies were subsequently approved by the Trustees and forwarded to the GDA. Three candidates Gary P., Jack H., and Mathew M. have been GDA approved. Currently, two potential Trustee candidates await GDA interviews. The Nominations Committee continues to actively seek and invite applications for Trustee candidates.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Relapse Prevention - Trustee Committees - What's Going On in SA

Entering the 2023 IC Cracow hotel I walked straight into the welcoming arms of a Polish fellow who is a regular attendant of the Sponsoring by Mail workshop. First time we met face-to-face. It was meeting a brother. The entire weekend we couldn’t stop smiling when we worked together or bumped into each other. A real connection. All the troubles of traveling by train vanished at that moment, in hindsight.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: CFC - Relapse Prevention

Hi fellows.
In this edition of ESSAY, we look at relapse prevention. “We never knew there was another option—surrender” (SA 84). In this quote from the chapter, “The Third Option” in the SA White Book, Roy K. reveals the key to stopping, and staying stopped! He stayed sober from 1976 until his death in September 2009 by practicing surrender. An oldtimer from Chicago explains that surrender is not some complicated, abstract process; it is simply, “executing the suggestions of the sponsor.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Editors' Corner - Relapse Prevention

It has been way over a decade since our founder died. Roy K. died on September 15, 2009 at the age of 82. He died with approximately 33 years of sexual sobriety.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - In Memoriam - Relapse Prevention

Holistic Recovery—Healing Had to Come About in All Three

In the December issue, members share what “Holistic Recovery” has come to mean for them—how working their SA programs has led to recover the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their lives.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2023 | Topics: Coming Next - Relapse Prevention

We were very honored to host the July 2023 “In God We Trust” IC as well as the very first in-person General Delegate Assembly outside North America. The beginning was difficult. We had first planned to organize the convention in our capital Warsaw, but found out that we couldn’t afford a venue suitable for this kind of event there.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: International Conventions - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - Worldwide News

In the December issue, members share what “Holistic Recovery” has come to mean for them—how working their SA programs has led to recover the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of their lives.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Coming Next - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Board of Trustees: July has been an eventful month for our Trustees. Three Trustees rotated off the Board after having served the fellowship for their full four-year terms; one other was not reaffirmed by the GDA. In the meantime, our Nominations Committee has been busy recruiting and interviewing new Trustee candidates. One new Trustee was approved by the GDA at the Polish Convention in July.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - What's Going On in SA

שלום, שמי מאירה ואני סקסוהוליסטית, או אולי יותר מדויק יהיה לומר מכורה לתאווה. השתמשתי בתאווה כדי להתמודד עם החיים מאז שאני זוכרת את עצמי, אולי מגיל ארבע או חמש. בהתחלה השתמשתי בפנטזיות ואוננות כפייתית, הרבה לפני שידעתי על יחסי מין. ההתנהגויות האלו לא היו בעיה אז – הם היו פתרון עבורי.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

“אני אחראי.
כשמישהו, בכל מקום
מושיט יד לבקש עזרה,
אני רוצה שהיד של אס.איי תמיד תהיה שם. ועל כך: אני אחראי”.
מדריך השירות של SA – החלק האחרון

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

אני חלק מזוג אשר מקבל פניהם של חברים חדשים בקבוצת מייל של אס איי הנקראת אס איי נאט. לאס איי נאט כעת יש יותר מאלף חברים כאשר רובם עברו לפגישות זום ונשארו מעט חברים אשר משתתפים באופן פעיל במייל. אני אחת מהם ומצאתי החלמה טובה לא רק בלהשתתף באס איי נאט אלא גם בנתינת שירות.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

בשנת 2003, בקבוצת הבית הישנה שלי בפילדלפיה, פיתחנו ‘פגישת הכוונה’ לחברים החדשים. כתבנו למספר אינטרגרופים ברחבי העולם, ושאלנו אותם אם הם עושים פגישת הכוונה לחברים החדשים. הרבה כתבו לנו בחזרה, סיפרו לנו על פגישות ההכוונה שלהם, ושילבנו רעיונות שקיבלנו על מנת ליצור את מה שהרגשנו שעובד הכי טוב בשבילנו. המטרה שלנו הייתה לעזור לחבר החדש להרגיש בבית ככל האפשר, ולהנמיך את הדאגות שיש לו/ה. אחרי הכל, כפי שהיינו אומרים לחברים החדשים, אנחנו מודעים לכך שהדבר הכי קשה שאולי עשית היה לצאת מהרכב, לחצות את החניון, להיכנס לחדר ולבקש עזרה.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

חיבור לכוח עליון
שניים מהכלים הטובים ביותר שיש לי ב’ארגז הכלים הרוחני” שלי בשביל להתחבר עם ‘אינטואיציה אלוהית’ ( מלבד עבודת הצעדים, השתתפות בפגישות, שיחות עם הספונסר ושירות בחברותא של (SA זה לשיר ולנגן (או להאזין) למוזיקה. מוזיקה לאורך כל חיי היא תשוקה ומרכיב מרכזי עבורי בהחלמה.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

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