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The author of “Obstacles to Emotional Sobriety” describes some of the blocks many of us have from reaching “emotional sobriety.” Here are some questions to consider.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2022 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Emotional Sobriety

My name is Leo W., and I’m a grateful, recovering sexaholic. I’ve been sober by the grace of G-d and the help of all of you in this program of SA since April 7th, 2019. My homegroup is Crystal City, Virginia, USA.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2022 | Topics: CFC - Emotional Sobriety

The AA Big Book says, “If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are halfway through.” (AA 83) Of course I see how many promises came true during the online inter-regional convention hosted by the Europe and Middle East Region (EMER) and the Persian-Speaking Region (PSR) on April 8 and 9, 2022.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Sponsorship - Worldwide News

The first SA Group in Italy began five years ago when two people from different paths met. Motivated by a common desire to share their Twelve Step recovery experiences, they went about trying to help others recover from lust addiction.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Sponsorship - Worldwide News

When I came into the program, it was suggested I find a sponsor. I was told a sponsor would help me one-on-one to go through the Steps, and I should either take someone who meets “I want what he has’’ or simply look around at the end of the meeting for the first person who raises his hand when asked “Who is available to sponsor?”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: SA Stories - Sponsorship

Our White Book says, “I got a sponsor (a friend in the program to help me work the Steps) and began working on me.” (SA 23) As a sexaholic, I need to find right relations with others and God, and where best to start but with my sponsor, who can mirror back recovery and help me with the Twelve Step program.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Sponsorship

It is difficult to describe in words the feeling of gratitude to God for me to be a sponsor. It is a great honor, responsibility, and joy. I want this process of transmitting the message of recovery from one woman to another to never stop. I believe that sponsorship is the most effective recovery tool in the SA Program.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Sponsorship - Women in SA

After more than 40 years of drowning in a vast ocean of sexaholism that has a bottomless abyss, I was relieved to finally have a rescue swimmer (my sponsor) swim to my aid. I had the desperation of a drowning man and listened and followed his suggestions without question. The spiritual toolkit he was laying at my feet had immediate results.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Practical Tools - Sponsorship

A newer member of SA decided he didn’t need to go to any more meetings. After a few weeks, his sponsor decided to visit him. It was a chill evening and the sponsor found the sponsee at home alone, sitting before a blazing fire.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Humor - Practical Tools - Sponsorship

My addiction has cost me a great deal over the years. I have been arrested, lost three jobs, thrown out of a religious community and have been divorced. Despite experiencing these consequences, as well as extended periods of sobriety in SA, my addict will still tell me that acting out is a good idea!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Practical Tools - Sponsorship

The saying goes that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and so does a journey of a single step, by the way. The problem for me however, was that all my life, I just wanted the thousand miles.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Practical Tools - Sponsorship

This being the year of the CFC, we are highlighting the value of the SA program for members inside correctional institutions.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: CFC - Sponsorship - Trustee Committees

Discussion Topic: Is everyone in your group being sponsored and sponsoring others?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Sponsorship

I’ve read the letters of many imprisoned females seeking help for our addiction. I have had the privilege of sponsoring someone in prison, and it has been a gift and a blessing to my recovery.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - Poems - Sponsorship - Supporting Women in SA

The road of our recovery started when a more experienced member accepted entry into a very special relationship with us: the relationship of one reco- vering sexaholic helping another recovering sexaholic. We can’t make it on our own.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Editors' Corner - Sponsorship

For the last four years I have been serving women who have decided to change their lives with the help of the Twelve Steps. During this time, I started working Steps with more than 30 women.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - Sponsorship - Women in SA

I surrender in a place where I least expected it—sponsorship. I thought that, working on principle, under the guidance of the Twelve Steps and Traditions, I was safe from my character defects.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - Sponsorship

I began sponsoring when I was almost 18 months’ sober and was working on Step Six. I was hesitant because there was, and there remains, no formal guidance on how to sponsor, but my mentor told me it was time for me to step up to the plate.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - Sponsorship

Through recovery, I have experienced several negative to positive change experiences. Below are some of them. First Experience: From the very first day when I joined SA and attended my first face to face meeting, I was surprised that I am surrounded by 25 men.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - Practical Tools - Sponsorship - Women in SA

When I first arrived in SA, I asked a man who had several years of sobriety to be my sponsor. A few months later, when I was ready to start Step 4, I discovered that he had never worked the Steps.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2022 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - Sponsorship

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