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Although I’ve been a member of SA since January 2000, my sobriety date is January 1, 2007. At times, I’ve felt extremely frustrated with my lack of continuous SA sobriety—especially when compared with my 23 years of sobriety in AA.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: International Conventions

What it was like. I enjoyed my first convention in the place where it all started. My cell phone’s background screen now has a picture of the gatehouse where Dr. Bob and Bill W. first met. When I open my phone, I say a prayer of thanks to God for the Twelve Steps.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: International Conventions

God led me to a place I hadn’t been before, to be with men I didn’t know. Why? To allow me to build on my experience, strength, and hope in recovery from sexual addiction. He took me to the Big Bear men’s retreat this past spring.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Conferences and Conventions

Yesterday marked two years of sobriety for me. Prior to my sobriety date of May 24, 2006, I can’t remember having gone two days without acting out in the previous 30 years. For my sobriety and so much more, I am forever grateful to the program and to the fellowship of SA.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008

My name is Will. I’m a sexaholic and part of a recovering couple. I’ve been sexually sober since January 5, 2000.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Recovering in Marriage - SA Stories

Dear Fellow SA Members:
I look forward to seeing many of you at the Convention July 11-13 in Akron, and I hope that you will attend the SA business meeting (“SA Today”), which will be held during the convention.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: What's Going On in SA

My Lord, I thank you for again providing us the opportunity to come together, to share, to help and be helped.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Prayers

I’m just an ordinary person, but special in the eyes of God. I’ve been involved with SA since 1993. It took me six years to be able to maintain any sort of sobriety. Until then I had not surrendered my “right to lust.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Meditations - Women in SA

How did my addiction to lust begin? There are many ways I could explain it: my childhood; my parents’ relationships with themselves, with me, and with others; genetic predisposition—it can be looked at from different angles. Today I believe that my addiction stems from my relationship with myself, from my unhealthy self-talk.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Women in SA

In one of the Harry Potter books, the defense against the Dark Arts teacher would shout, “Constant vigilance!” He meant, of course, that constant vigilance is necessary in order to stay safe from practitioners of the dark arts. When I read this, my first thought was “That’s how I have to be with my sexaholism.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Featured Article

Often when I’m in an SA meeting, I’m not really listening to the words of the readings. I’ve probably heard the words “Many of us felt inadequate, unworthy, alone, and afraid . . .” (SA 203, “The Problem”) a thousand times. But one day, the meaning of these words really hit me:

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008

At the beginning of Sexaholics Anonymous (15), the narrator says in part: “Then one night out of nowhere a prostitute jumped into my car . . .” (emphasis added). I used to think that my own behaviors occurred “out of nowhere.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Relapse Prevention

About five years ago, my sponsor in another fellowship talked with me about Step Eleven. This was before I found SA, and I was busy imposing my self-will on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I was the epitome of “half measures availed us nothing”—nothing except for maybe a check mark on Steps One through Ten, indicating I had completed them.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

For me, lust is an attitude. It begins with a desire to covet. It is a desire to take (even if only mentally) something that is not mine to take. My acting out always begins with lust. Why? Because I am powerless over lust. I do not have the ability to control it.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

I’m the type of sexaholic who likes to do everything by myself. I started my own business, did my own accounting, and wrote my own contracts. When I play music, I only want to play my music. I don’t want or need any help because I can do it all by myself!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Steps & Traditions

Dear SAICO and the SA fellowship:
Our group would like to express our sincere appreciation for the services you all provide on a global level to those who require help from SA. Your help has been a tremendous blessing to us as well as to me personally.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Worldwide News

Recently, I celebrated one year of SA sobriety—after more than 11 years in this program. I turned 62 last week, and I’m still married after 36 years.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: SA Stories

In late December 2007, I received a flyer along with my copy of ESSAY, announcing the July 2008 International Convention to be held in Akron, Ohio. The flyer identified the Convention theme as “Welcome Home.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: International Conventions - Songs

My name is Neal (aka “Pepe” in Spanish). I’m a grateful recovering sexaholic.
This past year, my work sent me to Spain for seven months, and then to Zambia and Malawi for another month.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Sober Travel

I first came to SA in October 2004—the same date I started consulting for my current employer. My work requires me to travel to China. My start in SA kept me sexually sober for the next two years, while travelling to China every five weeks, for about two weeks at a time.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2008 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Travel

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