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A sexaholic is energetically doing chores around the house and yard. The partner knows from experience that this behavior is probably “chore-play.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Humor

The question of whether technology can foster wholly spiritual recovery is being further explored within the International region of Sexaholics Anonymous. As a user of technology to communicate thoughts around the planet, I was nonetheless skeptical when I heard about last year’s Geek Camp.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Worldwide News

During the July SA International Conference in St. Louis the Essay had the pleasure of meeting Helmut M. from Germany. Since 1989 Helmut has provided the translations of SA literature into German. During visits to Germany Roy K. stayed with Helmut in his home. He later stayed with Roy and Iris in Simi Valley, California.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Featured Article - Humility - Interviews - Worldwide News

Over a weekend in early September the New Mexico “S” Fellowships held their 18th annual retreat. The retreat welcomes all 12-Step fellowships in New Mexico in support of the sex addict. Represented this weekend were: SA, SAA, SLAA, SCA, S-ANON, and RCA.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Worldwide News

Alcoholics Anonymous (the “Big Book”) and Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions have proven to be indispensable guides in my recovery journey. When I place these two recovery manuals alongside Sexaholics Anonymous, our White Book, I find helpful connections.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Steps & Traditions

Steps 1-3 brought me into the SA program (vs. just participating in meetings). Steps 4-9 under the guidance of a sponsor took me though the process of reconciling with my past and connecting rightly with God and others. Steps 10-12 keep me in right relationship with God and others and show me a path ahead to keep growing spiritually.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Steps & Traditions

I am seeking a timeless and relevant God to assume ownership of all my affairs and provide guidance for all future decisions. This God will negotiate all interactions between me, my true self, and the rest of creation. My new Higher Power will direct my steps to either avoid or correctly navigate difficult and painful situations, self-induced or otherwise, at His discretion.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Steps & Traditions

In the cell block I have a friend Seth. He talks to me, is friendly and warm. He has been open and honest about his heroin addiction.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Steps & Traditions

Have you ever known something—then you didn’t? Have you ever believed it—then you didn’t? Have you had faith and lost it? I have. I was a student, teacher, preacher and leader. I knew the Bible inside and out. I had faith that my God was real. I believed it with all my heart. However, I had a secret. That secret was my addiction. This addiction ate at my core.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Steps & Traditions

I used to rock climb. I mean the big mountains, like the Grand Teton in Wyoming, 13,775 feet tall. These experiences taught me some valuable lessons. When I climbed the big mountains, I never climbed alone; I was always roped together with a friend as we climbed over dangerous areas. Can I apply this lesson to my lust addiction? You bet.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - SA Stories

Throughout my life I used food, alcohol, drugs, relationships, sex, work, and achievements to fill up a gaping hole inside which never seemed satisfied. I had an insatiable need for recognition from people. I viewed everything through a prism of me, self-obsession to the nth degree.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Emotional Sobriety - Featured Article - Humility - SA Stories

I will survive if I am strong,
I will perish if I am weak,
I will beat my addiction,
I will not admit defeat.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Poems

My natural tendency is to vacillate between pride and shame. Maybe I hit moments of humility somewhere in between. It occurs to me is that both pride and shame are dishonest states of being, while humility is completely honest. That’s why I can slip into a false humility quite easily, because it is dishonest and still being prideful. It’s still about me, and not about God and others.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Featured Article - Humility

My battle against the addiction was devouring my insides, and the only way to cope with it was to project everything on those nearest to me. As the monks did in the Middle Ages when they flagellated their backs for having sinned, I flogged myself psychologically very hard and did that with others.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility

My SA bus journey has been a long ride but well worth it so far. I still don’t know our destination even after 13 years. I have gone through the Steps with my sponsors several times in the course of my journey, and I have learned that the principles of Steps Four and Five still apply to me!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Featured Article - Humility

Whenever I try to hold something back from my sponsor or renewal partner, I find lust creeping back into my life with renewed vigor. In the AA chapter “Into Action” this quote is found: “…we usually find a solitary self-appraisal insufficient. …they had not learned enough of humility, fearlessness and honesty…” (AA, Chapter 6). We find that most relapse comes from an insufficient Fifth Step (or Tenth Step).

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Featured Article - Humility

There is the old story of the monk who lived on top of a high mountain. Every day he would walk down with two clay pots across his shoulders. Once at the bottom he would fill both pots and walk back up to his small hut on top of the mountain. On arriving, one of the pots would always be empty.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility

In my home group, we encourage newcomers to read an Essay article entitled “I Don’t Have to Know” for 40 consecutive days. The author describes a compulsive need to know everything around him. He has Batman-like hyper-vigilance that is a habit of insobriety. Realizing that he is not Batman and not God, he relies on the simple mantra of, “I don’t have to know” to practice a healthy habit to not feed the impulsive desire to look.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Featured Article - Humility - Practical Tools

In my SA experience, I have encountered many times when lust and arousal seem ready to overwhelm me. In recent conversations I’ve also heard these common sexaholic scenarios:

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Practical Tools

Often my willfulness asserts itself, and I have been learning the following ingredients of surrender.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2018 | Topics: Humility - Practical Tools

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