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“When the student is ready, the teacher will appear…”
Over the past six years, my membership in SA has led me to learn many things about life, how to relate to people, how to love, how to share and care.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Meditations

I have a problem regarding what is my job and what is someone else’s in a relationship. I am a champion fixer. Recently I realized there are situations I cannot fix: the sponsee who is facing jail time. I didn’t cause it, can’t control it, and can’t cure it.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007

SA’s sobriety definition says “for the single sexaholic, sexual sobriety means freedom from sex of any kind.” It does not say that we endure the endless torture of chastity.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Being Single in SA - Women in SA

After my disclosure in 1988, my wife told me to get help or get out. I met with my pastor, went on a retreat, and started seeing a counselor who sent me to SA. I joined. Then my wife told our children that she was asking me to move out.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007

My fears cause me to make things bigger
Than they are

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Poems

My Dear Friend Lust:
I am writing to you to finalize our relationship.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: What is Lust?

This is hard to explain unless you’ve experienced it. I don’t use willpower to fight my addiction anymore. I know the addiction is more powerful than I am, and I’ve declared it to be the winner. I still have to make the decision to not engage in lust, but I no longer fight it like I used to do.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007

A member wrote, “I’m looking for a miracle. I’ve been looking for a miracle for a long time. Recently I’ve thought that if I just work the Steps, I could then have the miracle I’ve been looking for.” Wow! This statement hit me pretty hard, because it reminded me so much of my own Step Two (which took something like five years for me to fully accomplish).

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

I recently heard a member express discouragement at reduced attendance, revolving-door membership, and a general lack of sobriety in the meetings he attends.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007

I’d like to thank a friend in the program who phoned me tonight, and I’d like to thank God for bringing our lives together. My friend and I have always connected by sharing who we are with each other; not who we should be, but who God created us to be.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Featured Article

The Rochester group would like to share our recent success following the adoption of a new Twelve Step group study format.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Featured Article - What Makes Meetings Strong?

Serenity is something I never thought of until I got into the SA program. In retrospect, I see that I was trying to control my world. Whether it was work, relationships, school, or family I was always trying to make things go my way.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Featured Article

My cell phone alarm alerts me daily at 12:12 noontime so that wherever I am, whatever I am doing, I can stop and thank God (my Higher Power) for the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions and for the gift of sobriety.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Practical Tools

In college, I took a weightlifting class. I spent a great deal of time reading the textbook and understanding the techniques, but for some reason, I never got much bigger. Duh! You can’t gain muscle mass by reading a book on weightlifting.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Featured Article - Steps & Traditions

Little did I know

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Poems

A newcomer recently asked how long withdrawal from lust could possibly last, and I want to share my personal experience, strength, and hope on that topic from my current vantage point of one year sober.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Featured Article - Women in SA

Last Tuesday, my dad passed away. Sigh.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

How did I—a nice, self-respecting recovering alcoholic with more than 14 years of sobriety—find myself sitting in a meeting with a bunch of lowly sexaholics? After all, I had worked the Steps many times. I sponsored several men. I had never lied to my AA sponsors.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2007 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories

I am writing to suggest that financial and moral support for SA International Central Office is a vital part of our Twelfth Step work. Our groups are spiritual entities carrying a spiritual message. We may for that reason have trouble supporting Central Office unless we see how the duties of our Central Office are also spiritually based and a necessary part of carrying the message.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2006

My sobriety date is January 1, 1991. The longer I am sober, the more I need a meeting because I am close to a relapse. Why, you may ask? Well, there are a lot of new people, but not a lot of people with long-term recovery. That tells me that I am closer than ever to relapse. What I have been doing has been working for me, so I keep doing it.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2006 | Topics: Featured Article - Practical Tools - Sponsorship

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