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When I was around ten years old, I was introduced to pornography by my next-door neighbor. We were the same age, and he would bring magazines over to my house. I will never forget the first time I saw pornography; I was immediately hooked.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2011 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories

SA n’est pas une fraternité seulement pour les célibataires! Même si je connais plusieurs membres mariés (de même que des célibataires) qui vivent seuls, notre définition de la sobriété permet d’avoir des relations sexuelles à l’intérieur du mariage. De fait, plusieurs membres mariés de notre fraternité ont des relations sexuelles à l’intérieur de leur mariage et demeurent sobres!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: Featured Article

Following are highlights of some recent CFC activities.
The Mid-Atlantic Region (MAR) hosted the CFC at their “Change of Heart” regional conference this past April. MAR is the first SA region to create a regional-level CFC in response to recent events occurring in the Pennsylvania prison system.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: CFC

Dear Fellow SA Members:
I’m looking forward to the “Recovery on the River” Convention in July in Portland. My prayer is that many of you are too! What a wonderful spiritual experience it will be! We might even experience miracles in our lives while attending.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: What's Going On in SA

I am an SA woman who has been sober for four years. If you had met me five years ago, you would have found a confused, greedy, and very sick person. Today, thanks to my Higher Power, sponsor, and my SA groups, I am able to see my life and world in a sane way.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: Featured Article - Meditations - Women in SA

To the women I objectified and used,
How can I make an amends to you? I don’t know you. I can’t track you down; it would be wrong for me to even try. So I am writing this letter, and I will put the rest into God’s hands.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

My addiction caused me to lose my business, my reputation, and my home. While addiction devastated me, it was inevitable that my family would suffer. Toward the bitter end, everything had gone so far down that I doubted I could ever make things right again.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: Art - Steps & Traditions

SA is not a fellowship of only celibate people! Even though I know many married members (as well as single members) who are celibate, our sobriety definition allows sex within marriage. In fact, many married members of our fellowship actually have sex in marriage and stay sober!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: Featured Article - Recovering in Marriage

About two years ago, not long after finishing the Steps with my sponsor and having the spiritual awakening promised in Step Twelve, I decided I could manage my own life. I became complacent, making fewer phone calls, going to fewer meetings, becoming less active as a sponsor, and reaching out less to my own sponsor.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: Featured Article

I recently celebrated ten years of sexual sobriety in SA, so naturally I have been thinking about how I came to achieve this and what steps I took on the way. I then started to think about sobriety itself. What is sexual sobriety?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: Featured Article - Same-Sex Lust Recovery - Worldwide News

My sponsor here in Wales suggested that I write an article for ESSAY as an indirect amends for some blatant dishonesty from my past. Simply put, during my teenage years, I made up stories about having a girlfriend in order to impress schoolmates, and with the hope of attracting some female attention.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: Featured Article - Worldwide News

I came into SA two years ago, when I was released from prison after serving four years for indecent exposure. I had been out on parole for a year and had been sober for seven months when I was questioned by a detective for a crime I committed 10 years before.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: CFC

The Twelve and Twelve says that “… only through utter defeat are we able to take our first steps toward liberation and strength” (21). This is the story of how I came to be utterly defeated, and how that defeat led to liberation for me.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: CFC - Featured Article

By the time I had sense enough to feel ashamed of my acting out, the allure of lust had its hooks in my mind and heart. As a young child, I became lost in my own private hell: trying to navigate right from wrong, discovering family secrets and keeping my own, and experiencing a growing desire for pleasure.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2011 | Topics: CFC

I am happy to report that the CFC now has approximately $8,000 in named reserve, mostly as a result of the Pennsylvania prison news (see December 2010 ESSAY). This is more than enough money to cover starter kits for all Pennsylvania prisons, so we would like to send White Books to prison libraries throughout the country.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2011 | Topics: CFC

Dear Fellow SA Members:
Lately, I’ve been reflecting on Step Three. While working Step One, I faced my powerlessness over lust. In Step Two I came to believe that there is a power greater than myself. Now, in Step Three I must take positive action and give myself to that Higher Power, so that I can be free of my self-destructive behaviors.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2011 | Topics: What's Going On in SA

The SA and S-Anon members of the Portland-Vancouver metropolitan area invite you to join us for the “Recovery on the (Columbia) River” convention in Portland this July. When you arrive, our local members will heartily welcome you.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2011 | Topics: International Conventions - Worldwide News

I just came back from the Irvine convention. I had a wonderful time!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2011 | Topics: International Conventions - Women in SA

In the San Francisco Bay area, we started a Friday SA group with the purpose of interacting with prisoners who are part of the local sponsor-by-mail program. We wanted to create a different kind of meeting from our usual White Book “read and share” meetings—a meeting that would establish bonds between SA members in prison and those of us on the outside.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2011 | Topics: CFC

My friend Chris began his recovery from sexual addiction after being arrested in 2007 for a sex-related crime. In 2008, shortly after celebrating one year of sexual sobriety, he learned that he could plead guilty and receive a 15-year sentence, or he could go to trial.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: March 2011 | Topics: CFC - Featured Article - Sobriety in the Holidays

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