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Can sex be an addiction? In fact, it is. To protect people who are hooked to this in Murcia, an association was born with purpose to help and which has set up a phone line, where one can call if they think they need help.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: SA and Technology - Worldwide News

One of the most important gifts I’ve received as the result of working Step Four has been the ability to get free from resentments more quickly and easily than ever before in my life. And along with freedom from resentment, I experience a level of peace, calm, and improved relationships which I never would have dreamed possible.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: SA and Technology - Steps & Traditions

Once every week an SA member calls to read to me the First, Second and Third Steps as a kind of surrender prayer. When I listen to him it brings me back to the basics of the program in these Steps. It could be changed depending on the person giving these Steps. Here is what he reads to me when he calls:

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Featured Article - SA and Technology - Steps & Traditions

On July 3rd, 2004, I left a family holiday party early to go to my first meeting. I even changed from shorts to long pants as I knew shorts were not supposed to be worn at meetings. My family assumed I was going to a church meeting, and I did nothing to correct them.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Featured Article - SA and Technology - SA Stories - Women in SA

These are little gems of wisdom I have jotted down through the years. I keep them in my “Meeting In A Pocket” booklet from SAICO.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: SA and Technology - SA Stories

At the Jersey Strong conference in Newark in July 2017 there was an Old-Timers panel meeting. The speakers with 30-plus years sobriety included Dianne (1987), Margot (1986), Harvey (1984), Mitch (1985), and Tom (1987).

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: SA and Technology - SA Stories

As a sexaholic, I have been blessed with five and a half years of continuous sobriety and recovery from lust. Much of my recovery is due to a high amount of service work in order to give back what has been so freely given to me. This includes attending International conventions when I can. I recently returned from the Jersey Strong SA/S-Anon/S-Ateen convention. The Saturday lunch S-Anon speaker was an S-Ateen instead.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: International Conventions - SA and Technology - SA Stories

For the past several years the International Conferences have had portions of the event streamed on the internet. Recently this has been done at the conferences in Denver, Jerusalem and Newark. Five sessions were streamed in Denver, three in Jerusalem, and eight in Newark last July.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: International Conventions - SA and Technology

My name is Peter and I am a sexaholic, addicted to lust. I am so grateful for technology, I thank God regularly for allowing me to be lust free when using it. In my disease I used the computer and telephone to enhance my acting out. It allowed me to live in a fantasy world.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Featured Article - SA and Technology

In the wake of a full solar eclipse, that fascinated many people across the continental United States on August 21, 2017, another phenomenon occurred which eclipsed all else. It began at 09:00 UTC on August 23, 2017, and continued for 24 hours. It was the first SA Geek Camp, during which SA members from all over the world connected together via the Internet to carry the SA message.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: SA and Technology

Can’t attend the San Antonio International SA Convention in person? Now available—registration for live streaming of Saturday sessions 13 January 2018 from 12 Steppin’ Deep in the Heart of Texas. More information will come soon about start time, topics, and titles.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: International Conventions - SA and Technology

As a member of the Public Information (PI) Committee I have been asked to inform you of the two videos that are imbedded in the website. One is a 30-second public service spot and the other is a 3-minute introduction to SA and could be used in introducing SA to the helping community.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: SA and Technology - Trustee Committees

Geek Camp’s Purpose
“To carry the message to the still suffering lust addict by the appropriate use of information technology.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Featured Article - SA and Technology

Does SA really work? The clear answer from my own life is yes. I know it works, because it has worked for me.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Featured Article - Meditations - SA and Technology

What if, when I feel tired and weak, depleted and nervous, God is gently reminding me to rely on Him? What if I see the end of me as the start of God’s grace and power? What if His strength is all I need? What if my anxiety is a gift, because it reminds me that this life comes in moments, not days or years.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Meditations - SA and Technology

At times I fail to recall the effort it takes for me to surrender my sexual lust on a daily basis. I pretend to think that because I have such a wonderful spiritual condition—attending Sexaholics Anonymous meetings, meeting with other SA members, etc.—that I don’t need other practical solutions. But that whole line of thinking originates in my ego.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Practical Tools - SA and Technology

When I first came to SA I was three years divorced from a twelve-year marriage and had two kids. I always say that I was a sexaholic before I married my ex-wife, a sexaholic while married, and still a sexaholic after divorce. I knew that something was wrong with my behavior—I just couldn’t stop, even though I did not want to continue.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Featured Article - Practical Tools - SA and Technology

Recently I received new lenses for my glasses. The current ones were scratched and insurance would replace them. After the optometrist installed the lenses, I walked back to my car in the parking garage. I found myself astounded by the new clarity of my vision! I thought I should give a quick call back to the optometrist to learn what had changed my eyesight so dramatically?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Practical Tools - SA and Technology

Chapter 5 of the Big Book tells us that honesty is a prerequisite of recovery. What does honesty mean for me? If I lie to you, even if I know the truth inside, I’m not being honest. Why? Because my outside doesn’t match my inside truth.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Practical Tools - SA and Technology

A daily renewal is one of the best practices in my recovery from sexaholism. One morning my renewal partner said, “Matthew, you have UNICORN SYNDROME. You don’t realize how unique you are, how rare it is to have done the work you’ve done at your age and to have found recovery, or how unrealistic it is to expect your wife to be in the same place as you are.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: December 2017 | Topics: Practical Tools - SA and Technology

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