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Wouldn’t it be great to attend a convention without leaving home? That’s exactly what some SA members around the world discovered when the EMER Convention in Birmingham, UK, was live-streamed on the Internet. More than 20 people are believed to have listened online, and numerous expressions of thanks and even delight were received.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015 | Topics: Conferences and Conventions - Worldwide News

In the personal story near the front of the White Book, the writer says, “Masturbation again” (SA 14). So here I am, with two years of SA sobriety, doing my Step One again, at my sponsor’s suggestion. The process was similar to the first time I did Step One, but this time it was more fruitful because I was not acting alone.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

My name is Pablo and I’m a sexaholic. I attend the SA fellowship here in San Antonio—and it’s a great fellowship! I first came into SA two years ago, in November 2013, and I just turned 24 this week. Recovery has been a long journey for me since then. I’ve struggled with working the Steps and staying sober.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015 | Topics: Young & Sober

I have been a member of SA, and by the grace of God sexually sober, for the past seven years. My sobriety is not the product of my best thinking or willpower, because for 28 years I searched for sobriety but could not get one full day lust-free.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015 | Topics: Featured Article

In May 2012, I found SA and became very curious about how the program worked. I got a sponsor right away, and she told me that one way to get myself out of my head—to stop thinking of myself—was to become involved and be of service.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015 | Topics: Featured Article - Service - Women in SA

I just left an SA meeting, where a young member’s share struck fear into my heart. He reminded me of my own past, and I was so profoundly moved that I felt compelled to share a bit of my story with him in the parking lot after the meeting.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015

Today I’m tired. My body aches from a long week, and I feel physically and emotionally exhausted. In many ways, I am experiencing the “HALT” (Hungry, Angry, Lonely, Tired) symptoms described in the White Book (34). Although I’ve been fasting as part of my religious practice, I’m not just hungry for food.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015

I’m grateful to have celebrated five years of sexual sobriety this past August. I don’t believe I would be sober (or three years married!) without help from my Higher Power, Who has helped me find progressive victory over lust. Through the fellowship of SA, my Higher Power has given me the tools that others have used to surrender lust, one day at a time.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015 | Topics: Featured Article - Practical Tools

Some of us come into these rooms crawling on our hands and knees because we know we have no option other than to stop our destructive way of life. Others, like myself, are pushed into these rooms and—if we are fortunate—we too discover that we had no other options, that our lives are unmanageable, and that we are insane.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015 | Topics: Service

I’m a lust drunk from England, sober for 20 years—since April 12, 1995—by the grace of God and the fellowship of SA. But my road to SA was a long one.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: September 2015 | Topics: Being Single in SA - Featured Article - SA Stories

I’m Bernd, a sexaholic from Munich, and I’m grateful to have been a part of the Munich team that organized (with God’s help) the German-Speaking convention this year. The convention was held in Zavelstein near Stuttgart. The theme for the weekend was “Honesty.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: Conferences and Conventions - Featured Article - Worldwide News

At EMER’s first Regional Convention in Warsaw in 2013, five women met from five countries (Luxembourg, Ireland, Holland, Spain, Poland). We had never met before, and most of us were the only women in our home meetings. This was a wonderful experience, and we started two projects: a Women’s Skype meeting and an EMER Support for Women Committee.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: Conferences and Conventions - Supporting Women in SA - Women in SA - Worldwide News

On May 15-17, SA’s Europe and Middle East Region (EMER) held its third annual Regional SA Convention, with S-Anon participation, in Birmingham, UK. After our first convention in Warsaw in 2013 and our second in Jerusalem last year, our UK fellows took the initiative to host this annual event.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: Conferences and Conventions - Worldwide News

My name is Chuck, and I’m a recovering sexaholic. I’ve been sexually sober since June 3, 2013. When I was 12, I began looking at various magazines, seeking out pictures of women in them, and I would sneak them home to act out. At 13, while babysitting, I found pornographic magazines and began looking at women as sex objects.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: CFC

He would tell anyone who would listen that SA saved his life.
On March 10, 2015, Fenner U., one of SA’s longest-standing and staunchest members, went home to be with God.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: Featured Article - In Memoriam - Same-Sex Lust Recovery

My name is Jim B., and I’m a sexaholic in recovery. For the past three months, I’ve been working on my Fourth Step with the guidance of my sponsor. The journey has led me through the gamut of emotions, and it has given me a significant amount of insight into how my past characteristics have manifested themselves and impacted others.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: Steps & Traditions

There I was in an Israeli prison, walking through a security checkpoint to visit an incarcerated SA member. What an ordeal! First, I had to empty my pockets. Then I had to take off my shoes. After that, I had to take off my socks and walk barefooted on a tile floor where other barefoot people—from all backgrounds—had been walking.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015

When I was eight years old, my mother would ask me (her only child), “Will you help me by drying the dishes and stacking them on the counter?” I enjoyed the activity and felt I was part of the team.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: Service

As I type this, it’s 2:34 a.m., and I have reached a little over eight months of sobriety. I just experienced what I believe may be the first depths of recovery but I’m not sure. When I first entered through the SA doors and was shown how to surrender my lust by my sponsor, my life changed in that moment.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: Featured Article

I came into SA in October 2014, on the advice of a friend in another Twelve Step program. I started working the Steps with a female sponsor (the only SA woman in my area), but the situation did not work out, so I asked one of the men in my home group to be my sponsor. But this did not work out so well either.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2015 | Topics: Featured Article - Women in SA

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