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My relationship with my wife was almost ruined when I read an article in Recovery Continues about abstinence in marriage. That was exactly for me, a real insight! After discussing this with my wife, she accepted my suggestion. We began various non-sexual activities, including walks.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Divorce - Featured Article - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - SA Stories

In March 2018, I had been sober for about three years … I relapsed. It took me completely by surprise. Later, when making my inventory about it, I could see that the disease, very cunningly, had slowly conquered its way back in. From time to time I had purposely let short lust thoughts in, which I did not completely surrender.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

I attended my first SA meeting in 2015. Back then I was a member of another 12-Step fellowship in which I was dealing with my drug addiction. After a couple months of struggling with lust, while being clean in the other fellowship, I found SA. I continued going to SA meetings and was around 4 months sober when I left SA, convinced that I could now handle my lust problem without SA.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Featured Article - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

My mind, my thinking, is sick. It creates continuously judgments and prejudices. These are distorted ideas and beliefs about what is right and what is wrong. I judge the events in my life and believe they should have been different. I judge other people, I judge myself, I judge God. I cannot trust my thinking or judgement.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

I started my SA story in a rural town in Australia. There were no SA meetings near me at the time. Being a sexaholic in a rural area is very challenging because there is a bad stigma attached to sex addiction. There was a Royal commission into sex abuse in the church. There are a lot of old world views where sex addiction is seen as something bad; something that doesn’t belong in our community.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

In 2014 I first heard about the program of SA. I identified myself with it, I knew I needed it, but I did not dare take the step and join the program. There were many prejudices in me that prevented me from doing so. I was afraid: I thought they were going to judge me and condemn me since I was leading a double life, a double moral standard.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Women in SA

When I joined the SA fellowship, I was afraid that it may have been a sect and incompatible with my faith. I wanted it to be a fellowship endorsed by the Church to which I belonged. But I saw members around me who were sober and that was what kept me coming back to meetings.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

The Cambridge English Dictionary defines “Prejudice” as follows: an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Women in SA

Why would a man, 80 years old with 36 years of sexual sobriety, still be utilizing the same tools he used when he first came to the program?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

My form of fantasy is something that I hadn’t heard from anyone before, therefore I believed it could be something someone could be prejudiced towards me about. I remember in my early days of acting out I would fantasize about what women were enjoying. Being a male I felt my form of acting out wasn’t even “manly” enough to be shared with others.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Featured Article - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

Being a religious Jew wearing a yarmulke (skull cap) I was taught to live with fear that there is prejudice towards me and “my kind.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

I am a recovering sexaholic, since May 25, 2019, working the Steps with a sponsor. I thank my Higher Power, as I conceive it, for being a sexaholic and seeing my multitude of character defects that help me stay in Sexaholics Anonymous.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Featured Article - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Women in SA

After seven years of sobriety I relapsed. I called my sponsor, dreading his reaction. He was kind but very clear. One of the things he told me was to take stock of all program actions I normally practiced. Had I been practicing them? Were there some I had stopped doing or only doing occasionally?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Practical Tools - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

One of the most effective Practical Tools is humor.
I have been sober for a long time. I tried to give my recovery knowledge away like a fire hose. I realized I was overwhelming newcomers with way too much information at one time. I slowed it down to a garden hose.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Humor - Practical Tools - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

My name is Claire, I was created in the image of God and I am a grateful recovering sexaholic. My sobriety date is July 3, 2002. I need to remind myself that I am an addict because I can easily forget.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Featured Article - Practical Tools - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery - Women in SA

Over three sober decades in SA there have been quite a few pieces of “bad news” for me as a recovering sexaholic. They all arise, like my entire program, from my experience, strength, and hope:

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2020 | Topics: Practical Tools - Prejudices & Challenges in Recovery

Today, “simple service” for me is simply giving back to others. There was a time when service meant serving me; pandering to my own selfish agenda, making a name for myself, etc. It’s taken me a lot of Step work and many inventories to be able to cut ego out of my motives for doing anything.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2020 | Topics: CFC - Found In Translation

For the first quarter 2020 the income minus expenses was negative: -$12,476. The second quarter, thanks to the increased donations, showed quite a difference: $67,936!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2020 | Topics: Finance Report - Found In Translation

The writer of Every Moment Is A “Given Moment” tells how his life in 12 Step recovery hit a slump at 14 years and how going to SA completely changed his life.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2020 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Found In Translation

From the bottom of our hearts, the Trustees thank you for your years of service as editor of the Essay.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2020 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - Found In Translation

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