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2008 kam ich zu AS. Bis dahin war mein Leben eine Abfolge von zwanghafter Masturbation, Pornografie, Voyeurismus, Exhibitionismus und zahllosen verstohlenen Kontakten oder One-Night-Stands mit anderen Männern gewesen. Die einzige Erfahrung einer Verbindung war eine mehr als zwanzigjährige Missbrauchsbeziehung mit einem alkoholkranken Mann gewesen. Als ich die Nüchternheitsdefinition von AS (ND) das erste mal las, war ich enttäuscht, denn ich fühlte mich anders. Ich definierte mich immer noch als schwul (engl. „gay“, eigentlich fröhlich, lustig), obwohl an meiner Situation nichts fröhliches mehr war.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

Hallo zusammen, mein Name ist Pat und ich bin ein Sexaholiker. Ich bin heute sehr dankbar für meine anhaltende Genesung von der Lüsternheit. Es war ein langer Weg. Ich kam im November 2016 in einer Stadt in der Mitte der Nordinsel Neuseelands in das Programm, nachdem mir zunehmend bewusst wurde, dass ich die Kontrolle verlor und die Lüsternheit mein Leben beherrschte.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

Am 21. März 2011, nur 48 Stunden bevor ich in diese Gemeinschaft kam, war ich zwei Wochen trocken. An diesem einen Tag war ich mir extrem sicher, dass ich nie wieder meiner Sucht nachgeben würde. Das einzige Problem dabei war, dass ich dieses starke Gefühl der Sicherheit bereits tausende Male gehabt hatte seit mehr als einem halben Jahrhundert.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

I am eternally grateful for this program of recovery. This program has become one of the most profound changes in my life as it literally has saved my life (and it continues to save it one day at a time) from being sucked into a black hole with no hope of escape!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Steps & Traditions

Au début, je pensais que le terme “sobriété” ne correspondait pas à l’idée que je me faisais d’un sexolique, car je n’avais aucune expérience de l’alcoolisme.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

Je n’ai pas arrêté, j’ai capitulé. J’ai commencé mon cheminement dans ce programme lorsqu’une amie Al-Anon m’a dit que j’étais une sexolique. Pour lui prouver qu’elle avait tort, j’ai accepté d’assister à six réunions SA. Au cours de ces six réunions, j’ai lentement admis que j’étais une sexolique. Au début, je ne regardais pas les autres membres dans les yeux et je ne partageais pas. Il y avait six autres femmes SA à ma première réunion du groupe d’appartenance.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article - Practical Tools

Ma vie en rétablissement est pleine de miracles aujourd’hui – le plus grand d’entre eux est que je me remets de cette maladie, de cet esclavage à la luxure, pour lequel il n’y a pas de remède. Un autre grand miracle est que je suis reconnaissante aujourd’hui, alors que je ne l’étais jamais auparavant.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

Je suis arrivé aux SA en 2008. Jusqu’alors, ma vie n’avait été qu’une succession de masturbation compulsive, de pornographie, de voyeurisme, d’exhibitionnisme et d’innombrables contacts furtifs ou d’aventures d’un soir avec d’autres hommes. La seule expérience de connexion était une relation abusive de plus de 20 ans avec un homme alcoolique.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

Bonjour à tous, je m’appelle Pat et je suis un sexolique. Aujourd’hui, je suis très reconnaissant d’être en train de me remettre de la luxure. Le chemin a été long. Je suis entré dans le programme dans une ville du milieu de l’île du Nord de la Nouvelle-Zélande en novembre 2016 après avoir pris de plus en plus conscience que je perdais la maîtrise et que la luxure prenait le contrôle de ma vie.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article - SA Stories

Le 21 mars 2011, 48 heures seulement avant mon entrée dans cette fraternité, j’étais sobre depuis deux semaines. Ce jour-là, j’avais la certitude absolue que je ne céderais plus jamais à ma dépendance. Le seul problème, c’est que j’avais eu cette confiance suprême des milliers de fois auparavant, pendant près d’un demi-siècle.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article - SA Stories

Clarity … clarity is something that I need and wish to have and never lose.
Clarity is something that I get when I pause, listen and think.
Clarity is a God-given present when I take care of myself and others.
Clarity is what I get when I don’t let life challenges take over my brain.
Clarity is what happens when I try to become a channel of Thy peace.
Clarity is when my brain is clear and I can think in a healthy fashion.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Poems

I was sitting in the sun, trying to recuperate from an upper respiratory infection. The sun was shining so brightly as I was comfortably sitting in a lounge chair by the pool at the retirement center where we live. All of a sudden it turned dark. I looked up at the sky.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Steps & Traditions

My story regarding accepting the SA sobriety definition begins when I was first dabbling in
accountability and monitoring from others—but not yet in SA. My main goal was to stop masturbating, but I wasn’t yet ready to give up sex outside of marriage and certainly didn’t have a desire to stop lusting.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety

Four years before I came to SA, I sought help with a professional therapist. I was out of control and knew it, acting out in ways that put me in immediate danger of death. There was a titillating news story of a man who accidentally hung himself in a sexual escapade.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety

When I was still in the addiction and looking for a way to stop, I came across SA. I had approached SA before, a year earlier, but had done so only half-willingly, and at that time I never made it to a meeting. Needless to say, things got worse.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety

“Slowly but surely, some wisdom and humility began to creep in. I became more teachable.
I found God working all around me where previously I was sure I had been alone. When I opened my eyes enough to see the miracle, it was right in front of my face. I was growing in God’s love” (AA 430).

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety

Aussies and Kiwis are very committed to recovery. Over a decade ago, in a place called Mount Tambourine in Queensland, an English fellow ran a 12-Step workshop where a dream was born. The English man, an Irish man, and a bunch of Aussies and Kiwis got together with the vision of forming a region.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Worldwide News

Can you help? SA’s Board of Trustees is served by a number of committees who assist it in administering the policies and decisions of the General Delegate Assembly. One of these is the Legal Committee whose mission is “to advise the Trustees on legal matters affecting the Fellowship.” (SA Service Manual, Ch. 13, p.2)

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Trustee Committees - Worldwide News

What a wonderful fellowship we have! Whenever someone reaches out, SA is there. Through a dedication to service by members like you, we have an effective international organization to keep us available to the next newcomer—and to all of you.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - What's Going On in SA

In this month’s issue, members share the miracles of their recovery, enjoying freedom from the toxic power of lust by the humble working of this program. A Ukrainian lady shares how sobriety helped her to overcome crippling defects of character.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Editors' Corner - Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety

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