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Recently during a noon meeting, we were reading Bill’s story out of the Big Book of AA. The secretary stopped us about half way where Bill wrote, “A tumbler full of gin followed by half a dozen bottles of beer would be required if I were to eat any breakfast. Nevertheless, I still thought I could control the situation, and there were periods of sobriety which renewed my wife’s hope. Gradually things got worse.” We call people like this beyond help.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Sober Travel - Steps & Traditions

This letter is for every man I ever had sex with.
I want to write this letter to make my amends to you. I have used you, either once or regularly, to fill an emptiness inside me that was impossible to fill with human “power.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Sober Travel - Steps & Traditions - Women in SA

Being a sexaholic is a life-long condition, and it goes back to my childhood where I felt inadequate, unworthy, unloved, and lonely. I used to drink resentments about how I walk, talk, and my body shape. Thus, I never dismissed an opportunity to make myself feel better, including active lusting!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Sober Travel - Women in SA

Traveling was never appealing to me. Why should I spend money to visit places that millions of people already visited and take pictures to bother my relatives with?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Sober Travel - Women in SA

There are 19 physical meeting groups that are held regularly in Japan. One of those groups is for women only. Each group has their own schedule and may meet anywhere from weekly to once a month. In addition, there are two online groups that meet on a regular basis.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Sober Travel - Worldwide News

In July 1990, our oldtimer Yoshi attended AA’s 55th Anniversary World Convention in Seattle, WA, USA. He was in Seattle for a week, but as the convention was for three days, he thought about how to use the remaining days. Since he was a social worker working at a children’s center at the time, he wanted to visit a local children’s home.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Sober Travel - Worldwide News

Traveling per se is a great gift bestowed by God – some people cannot afford it due to physical or financial issues. Traveling broadens outlook, inspires, acquaints with new places, new people, and new countries. Whether I’m relaxing or working, traveling is a part of my life. I am so grateful to God for this gift. Why is sobriety required for me when traveling?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Travel - Women in SA

I’m back here again. I have missed this city. It has been just shy of a decade since I’ve been here. I breathe in the coastal air. The cooling embrace of the sea in front of me, and the towering skylines and mountains behind.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Travel - Women in SA

I recently celebrated my fifth sobriety anniversary in SA and I’ve never been grateful enough for that. I remember talking to an oldtimer after a meeting in my country. I was still new to SA. He had been in the program for eight years.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Sober Travel

My name is Yoshi. I have a desire to stop lusting and become sexually sober. My sobriety date is July 29, 1994. I am now 77 years old and have had many “lifesavers” in my life.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - Sober Travel

I started my SA journey on May 25, 2021 when my husband confronted me once more but the difference this time was that my inner voice (Higher Power’s voice) strongly directed me to some God (Good Orderly Directions), so I googled, found, and got connected to an SA India sister who introduced me to the SA program.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - Sober Travel - Women in SA

Even after I connected with SA and started taking the steps, there were many things I did not understand. One of them was the “timing of Higher Power.” I was repeatedly told by one of my fellows ahead of me in the steps, that I would “always know” when to make amends, and to whom, and what to say to them, as long as I was properly connected to Higher Power.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - SA Stories - Sober Travel

Did you, like Moein in the article “Having Fun in Recovery with My Recovery Friends,” go to any length to let go of former playmates and playgrounds? Or do you still have some hidden bottles “to provide you with fun” in case recovery wouldn’t give it to you on your terms?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Discussion Topic - Sober Travel

Most people take vacation during the months of July and August. Some take short city breaks; others go for lazy beach holidays; still others prefer weeks of hiking and trekking. Of course, people travel for a whole variety of reasons and at any time of the year—work, to visit family and friends, for religious or other personal reasons.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Editors' Corner - Sober Travel

Sometimes the most beautiful things happen, even early in recovery. Having two kids, ages 2 and 4, gets me to places I’d rather avoid as a sex and lust addict.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Dear ESSAY - Sober Travel

1. Because one day, I could be one of them. From a prisoner’s perspective, it would surely be a comfort to be visited by people who would not condemn me, who would understand me and be willing to help me.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: CFC - Sober Travel

In the August issue, learn which strategies members and groups from around the globe use to welcome and keep newcomers.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: June 2023 | Topics: Coming Next - Sober Travel

На первых порах я думала, что термин «трезвость» не соответствует тому, чем в моем представлении был сексоголизм, потому что у меня не было опыта алкоголизма. Но когда я впервые попала на собрания АС восемь лет назад, я узнала, что трезвости трудно достичь, потому что все дело в том, каково мое внутреннее состояние и что с ним делать, если я не в хорошей духовной форме.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

Ho iniziato il mio viaggio in questo programma quando un’amica di Al-Anon mi ha detto che ero una sessodipendente. Per dimostrarle che si sbagliava, ho accettato di partecipare a sei incontri di SA. Durante questi sei incontri sono arrivata lentamente ad ammettere di essere una sessodipendente. All’inizio non guardavo negli occhi gli altri membri e non condividevo. Alla mia prima riunione di gruppo c’erano altre sei donne di SA. Abbiamo partecipato a due incontri settimanali come gruppo, questo mi ha aiutata a entrare in contatto con il programma e poi ho iniziato a condividere.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

בהתחלה המושג ‘מפוכחות’ לא תאם לתדמית שהייתה לי בראש על סקסוהוליסט, כי לא היה לי ניסיון עם אלכוהוליזם. עם זאת, כשהגעתי לחדרים לפני 8 שנים למדתי שמפוכחות היא דבר קשה להשגה, כי היא קשורה למצב התודעתי שלי ובמה אני עלולה לעשות איתו אם אני לא בכושר רוחני.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: April 2023 | Topics: Experiencing the Miracle of SA Sobriety - Featured Article

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