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Два лучших инструмента в моём “духовном инструментарии” для установления связи с Божественным Разумом (наряду с работой по Шагам, посещением собраний, беседами с моим спонсором и служением в содружестве АС) – это пение и исполнение (или прослушивание) музыки. Музыка – это страсть всей моей жизни и важный компонент моего выздоровления.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Незадолго до того, как я пришёл в АС, я достиг своего личного дна. Хотя со стороны не было заметно, что моя жизнь стала неуправляемой. Я всё ещё был женат, у меня были дети, хорошее здоровье, дом, работа и община. Но внутри я переживал свой самый безнадёжный и мрачный период жизни.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Mi nombre es Meira, y soy una adicta al sexo. O quizás, más correctamente, una adicta a la lujuria. Estaba usando la lujuria para hacer frente a la vida desde que tengo memoria, tal vez desde la edad de cuatro o cinco años. Al principio usaba la fantasía y la masturbación compulsiva, mucho antes de saber lo que era el sexo. Estos comportamientos no eran un problema entonces, eran mi solución.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Dos de las mejores herramientas en mi “kit de herramientas espirituales” para conectarme con la Inteligencia Divina (junto con trabajar los Pasos, asistir a reuniones, hablar con mi patrocinador y trabajar en el trabajo de servicio en la comunidad SA) son cantar y tocar (o escuchar) música. La música es una pasión de toda la vida para mí y un componente importante de mi recuperación.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

En 2003, en mi antiguo grupo base en Filadelfia, desarrollamos una reunión de orientación para los recién llegados. Habíamos escrito a varios intergrupos de todo el mundo, preguntando si organizaban reuniones de orientación para los recién llegados. Muchos respondieron compartiendo sus orientaciones, y combinamos las ideas que recibimos para crear una que sentimos que funcionó mejor para nosotros. Nuestro objetivo era ayudar al recién llegado a sentirse lo más bienvenido posible y reducir cualquier temor que pudiera tener. Después de todo, les diríamos, por nuestra propia experiencia, que todos sabíamos que lo más difícil que pudieron haber hecho en su vida fue salir de su automóvil, cruzar ese estacionamiento y abrir la puerta para pedir ayuda.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

“Soy responsable.
Cuando cualquiera, en cualquier lugar
busca ayuda,
Quiero que la mano de SA esté siempre esté ahí. Y por eso: soy responsable”.

Manual de servicio de SA

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Soy parte del dúo que da la bienvenida a los recién llegados en un grupo de correo electrónico de SA llamado SA Net. SA Net actualmente tiene más de 1000 miembros donde la mayoría hace la transición para reunirse en Zoom, dejando muy pocos para participar activamente por correo electrónico. Soy una de esos pocos miembros y he encontrado una gran recuperación no solo al participar en SA Net sino también prestando servicio.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Justo antes de llegar a SA, toqué un fondo personal. Por fuera, no era tan obvio que mi vida se había vuelto ingobernable. Todavía estaba casado, con hijos, tenía mi salud, un hogar, un trabajo y una comunidad. Pero por dentro estaba en mi hora más desesperada y oscura.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Just before I came to SA, I hit my personal rock bottom. On the outside, it was not so obvious that my life had become unmanageable. I was still married with children, had my health, a home, a job and a community. But inside I was at my most desperate and darkest hour.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - SA Stories

My name is Meira. and I am a sexaholic. Or perhaps, more correctly, a lustaholic. I was using lust to cope with life as far back as I can remember, perhaps from the age of four or five. At first I used fantasy and compulsive masturbation, way before I even knew what sex was. These behaviors weren’t a problem then—they were my solution.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - SA Stories - Women in SA

“I am responsible.
When anyone, anywhere
reaches out for help,
I want the hand of SA always to be there. And for that: I am responsible.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

I am part of the duo that welcomes newcomers in an SA email group called SA Net. SA Net currently has over 1,000 members where the majority transition to meet on Zoom leaving few to actively participate on email. I am one of the few and have found great recovery in not only participating in SA Net but also in doing service.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - Women in SA

Back around 2003, at my old home group in Philadelphia, we developed an orientation meeting for newcomers. We had written to a number of intergroups around the world, asking if they did orientation meetings for newcomers. Many wrote back sharing their orientations, and we combined ideas that we received in order to create one that we felt worked best for us.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Two of the best tools in my “spiritual toolkit” for connecting with the Divine Intelligence (along with working the Steps, attending meetings, talking with my sponsor, and service work in the SA fellowship) are singing and playing (or listening to) music. Music is a lifelong passion for me and an important component of my recovery.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Featured Article - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - Practical Tools - Songs

In order to best share my experience at the Poland International SA/S-Anon Convention I thought it best to describe my personal road traveled.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: International Conventions - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - Worldwide News

The Israel SA fellowship has seen tremendous growth in numbers and quality of recovery since it began in 1996. At our annual national SA conferences, with S-Anon’s participation, we often have between 400 and 500 attendees.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - Worldwide News

The SA Israel fellowship, with our local S-Anon’s participation, is super-excited to be hosting the
International Convention for the second time. In 2017, just at the beginning stage of becoming
our own SA Region, we hosted the International Convention the first time it was held outside of
the U.S.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: International Conventions - Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - Worldwide News

My first meeting at the Sunday Night McLean Group (Virginia, USA) was nearly two years ago. At the time, the meeting was exclusively on Zoom. One of the older members messaged me and asked if I was a newcomer. I was too afraid and full of pride to be honest with him. I wasn’t sober then. I know I didn’t sound sober, either. He was just glad I was there. This has been my home group ever since.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them

Our intergroup had their first spring retreat this year, after 3 years of COVID restrictions. Since I joined SA 3 ½ years ago this was the first time I was able to go and I jumped at the chance. My home group is a two-hour drive away so I have not been to a face-to-face meeting with them in 3 years though 2 other members live close by and the 3 of us do meet every 1 or 2 weeks. I have been waiting to see the bigger world of SA for some time. This retreat was my chance.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - Web Exclusive

Newcomer meetings—I love them! Newcomers remind me every time how deep I was in my active addiction myself, and I need such a reminder. But more important than that, at a first meeting, I can show that recovery is possible and I have an opportunity to be of service.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: August 2023 | Topics: Newcomers—How to Welcome and Keep Them - Web Exclusive - Women in SA

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