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Me mudé a una ciudad regional en la costa este de Australia hace más de 5 años. Había dos reuniones de SA en la ciudad y la adicción al sexo era un tema muy tabú, sigue siéndolo hoy.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Featured Article

Mi trabajo es cuidar una gran propiedad con un huerto, un jardín y una casa. Hace unas semanas, me encontré en una situación completamente nueva en la que nunca antes había estado. Las personas con las que vivo y trabajo se fueron de vacaciones de verano durante dos meses.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Featured Article

Cuando llegué a ser miembro de la Junta de Custodios de SA en el verano de 2014, era claramente un recién llegado a este nivel de servicio, pero estaba emocionado de dar lo mejor de mí en todo lo que pudiera hacer para ayudar a compartir nuestro maravilloso mensaje a los sexólicos que sufren.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Featured Article

Cuando empecé a tomarme este programa en serio y trabajar los pasos con un padrino que trabaja los pasos con su padrino (y así sucesivamente), ha quedado muy claro para mí que nuestro enfoque principal y propósito primordial es el duodécimo paso: llevar el mensaje.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Featured Article

“Pero no quiero compartir eso …” “¡Entonces no te recuperarás!” Esa fue la respuesta de mi padrino a la mayoría de los temores que experimento. No puedo estar sobrio en aislamiento. Tampoco puedo conseguirlo si no lo dejo de estar.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Featured Article

This morning in the hybride Manchester, US “Not a Glum Lot meeting,” we read the first story “I’m a Sexaholic” from Member Stories 2007. The text from The Real Connection today was entitled “Hidden Desires” and talked about riding a motorcycle too close to the edge of the Grand Canyon.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Poems

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to share our experience of working with therapists, counselors, the church, and others. It has been quite a journey since we Nairobi members began meeting in our venue nine years ago. It is a room at a church; during weekdays, the room is used as a gym.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Worldwide News

This is Kathie S., sexaholic, about the Scottish convention, which I attended last weekend for the first time. I appreciated receiving the schedule well in advance, which helped me to feel less afraid of the unknown, indicating many old timers speaking, with much helpful experience.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Art - Cooperation with Professionals - Women in SA - Worldwide News

In this time of year, Sexaholics Anonymous casts a glance into the future and asks “What do we need to fulfill our primary purpose? How can we best support the ever-growing needs of the fellowship worldwide?” Part of that planning is to create a financial budget for the next year.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Trustee Committees - Worldwide News

SA Belgium was set up by members who had ample experience in AA and Al-Anon in working with a specific kind of professional: journalists. Our country doesn’t have the sensation-driven media-culture of some other countries, which makes for a safe and rewarding experience of cooperation, all in the spirit of the 11th Tradition.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals

The Support for Professionals (SIP) committee (formerly H&I-Hospitals and Institutions) was recently renamed to reflect what we have really functioned as for the past seven years. We abandoned the former name because we now aim to more fully support the mental health community at large

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Trustee Committees

Did you know that SA has a produced 30-second Public Service Announcement and that you can get it played on your local television station? If we’ve piqued your curiosity, read on!

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Trustee Committees

I remember my first contact with non-sexaholics who helped us. We got to know them at an AA open meeting. They were Brano and Marianka, two young and enthusiastic people who were interested in discovering why certain young people are unable to establish healthy relationships.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals

I have to admit it. I spent a lot of my life searching for a solution. I used to think that I am drowning in a well, and I must find a solution in that well. But that all has changed now. After joining SA, I came to learn that I was looking for a solution in the mud of the problem! I am grateful to God that after I have joined the program, I simply did not leave and run away! I had a feeling, which I wasn’t sure about, but it said “stay in the program”.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Steps & Traditions - Women in SA

In my sponsorship lineage, we work the Traditions after the Steps. Based on what others have taught me and what I have experienced, I put together the following handout in which I try to boil down each Tradition to a word for phrase that best expresses the principle it represents followed by inventory questions to guide my application of the Tradition.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Steps & Traditions

“I swear, this is it. This is the final straw. The last time I’m giving in to this disgusting, awful habit. The last time I’m degrading myself and letting down the people I love. I’m done.” Those were the thoughts playing in my head as I pondered the weight of that in which I had just indulged. Shame and inferiority swept over me in waves, leaving me desperate for some glimpse of rescue.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - SA Stories

The theme for the December edition of ESSAY is “Fun in Recovery.”

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Coming Next - Cooperation with Professionals

A good deal of us came in through professionals of various kinds, whether they were therapists, helpline workers, psychiatrists, life coaches, or clergy members. The AA Big Book gives a clear recommendation not to disregard human health measures: “God has abundantly supplied this world with fine doctors, psychologists, and practitioners of various kinds.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Editors' Corner

Dear ESSAY, thank you for the wonderful suprise I received in the August edition on The Slogans. On p. 20 I unexpectedly found an article written by my sponsor with a picture of my cat “Milton” and an embroidery work I had sent her when I had been working on it.

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Art - Cooperation with Professionals - Dear ESSAY - Women in SA

Discussion Topic: How do I and my local fellowship cooperate with professionals?

TYPE: article | Magazine Issue: October 2022 | Topics: Cooperation with Professionals - Discussion Topic

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