Enjoy reading all the articles of the current magazine below.

  • I had to face the fact that in my marriage I didn’t know what intimacy without sex looked like. I was always seeking to create intimacy so I could get my wife to have sex with me. Just like I did with the girlfriends that preceded her. Our sexual encounters usually came out of the “connect with me and make me whole” syndrome. They created a false intimacy that soon evaporated, often leaving exposed the underlying emotions that made us feel like we had to be sexual with one another in the first place. And I was usually left with a craving for more….

  • The SA/S-Anon International Convention, held in Orange in January 2001, was one of the most successful ever. Attendance reached an all-time high. Participants were enthusiastic in their praise of the setting, the sharing and the fellowship.

  • It’s hard for me to talk about the benefits of maintaining sexual sobriety. But I can compare it to some things in the natural world.

  • I live in a small town. For a year, I drove 85 miles one way to an SA meeting, and I still do so. I had wanted to start a meeting for a while, but how was I going to get the word out and who would come to this kind of meeting? I had been going to various other 12-Step meetings to hear the Steps and recovery. I got frustrated because all they talked about was drinking, drinking, drinking, and that was not MY problem!

  • Shortly after I entered Sexaholics Anonymous some fellow sexaholics mentioned making a “daily contract” for sobriety. During the first few weeks of sobriety I hardly needed a contract. I was so scared and miserable that sobriety was my only option. My second marriage was near an end, my acting out would cause me to quickly lose my job and I simply felt hopeless.

  • My name is William R. My sobriety date is June 12, 1993. I live in the state of Washington, USA. Since January 1998, I have served Sexaholics Anonymous as the Correctional Facilities Coordinator.