Enjoy reading all the articles of the current magazine below.

  • I had always heard, “Service work helps you work your program,” but never believed it until I did service work! Now I say that slogan to others. I try to keep two jobs of service work going to help my own program.

  • Peter came to SA because he wasn’t happy with his sobriety in another S-fellowship. In SA, Peter enjoyed eight years of sexual sobriety. His gratitude for his sobriety and new life, and his dedication to SA showed in his wonderful commitment to service work at the group and national level. He spoke and chaired frequent public information meetings in a 12-Step clinic in the area, and in other parts of the country.

  • Recently the idea came to me that the members of our SA group might pray for each other. Our group has been growing, and praying for each other can be a way of supporting and strengthening each other. At each meeting, we pray for SA members yet to come when we have a moment of silence. How else can I pray for others?

  • I was two weeks sober in SA, lying in bed in the middle of the day in a hotel room 1,000 miles from home, watching television. It will come as no surprise to anyone in our fellowship that I was consumed by lust and trying to talk myself out of acting out. “Look, Michael,” I said to myself, “nobody in SA expects you to stay sober right away. If you masturbate, you can always go back to the meetings and tell everybody about it, and nobody is going to be disappointed in you. And besides, you can always put together a couple of weeks again!”

  • I came to SA having been sober in AA for 17 years. In AA, I never celebrated my anniversary. I felt that the “numbers” would distract me from being aware of what is really happening with me — my inner thoughts and feelings.

  • I hear many people at meetings introduce themselves like this, or in a similar way. Sometimes I hear, “I’m AA, Al-Anon, OA, SA and ACOA.” What kind of secret language is this? Why do we have to express ourselves in such a complicated manner? Why do we have to name a number of groups to introduce ourselves as people? What is this introduction good for?

  • Let me begin with a clear and obvious announcement to you. I am sick. I am very sick. And I was terribly sick. Because of this illness I am with you in the great and wonderful, life-giving fellowship of SA. I’m delighted to be able to do this.