
JUNE 2024

”Men and Women in SA”—This edition is about women and men finding sobriety together. We are all equal in the Fellowship, and we need each other’s fellowship to achieve recovery as the White Book states in its chapter on “Mixed Meetings” (SA 178-179). Both women and men in SA share how they practice healthy relationships with the opposite sex in SA, and how it helps them outside of the Program, too.
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In Every Issue


Enjoy reading all the articles of the current magazine below.

  • There’s a saying, "Recovery is peace and serenity in the midst of the storm." And Priscilla has known many storms. Today, after more than 30 years of sexual sobriety, she has tools to stay the course during storms.

  • I have been following a journey all my adult life toward what now, as a sober SA member, I think of as Step 1—and I am now almost 60. I am moved to write this article by The Real Connection reading for today, which at the time of writing is April 7. It describes a method of meditation which the writer felt could be useful to other members, that is, in silence paying attention to my breathing, and focusing on my breath as it goes in and out of my nose and mouth, letting go of my thoughts as they arise.

  • My name is Mike M. and I’m a sexaholic. I’ve been one since before I even understood what lust was. I’ve been sober over two years now thanks to the 12 steps of SA, working with a sponsor, and a Power greater than myself that I try not to understand, but to experience. I’m married to my wife and we have three boys, 17, 14, and 10.

  • We have seen many miracles. As a worldwide fellowship, SA carries some heavy responsibility. The Support for Institutions and Professionals Committee (SIP) is organized to address one of these responsibilities head on: sharing our message with various helping professionals and larger institutions. We, who have personally benefited from the miracles of the 12 Steps can now take part in informing those who help people every day.